© 2013 | Vijay Soman


Phone: + 852 93088915

Casualty & Crisis management (accidents of all genre):
Casualty & Crisis management is an "art form" and requires the duly qualified mariner to be a highly effective leader and manager. It is of utmost importance  to be confident and “to keep your head while all others are loosing theirs”, so that the right mitigating actions can be taken and corrective measures implemented. We have had extensive experience in this field having managed almost all kinds of accidents very effectively. We can assist ship owners and managers and their crisis management teams in actually handling particular incidents. On the other hand we facilitate the conduct of mock drills and exercises in the handling of a variety of casualty scenarios (including media management), to hone the skills of the management team. 

Marine accident investigation:
​We can provide comprehensive, independent, accident investigation services to ship owners, ship managers, law firms, P&I clubs, flag states and any organisation with an interest in marine accidents. Expert opinion and witness services are also undertaken.

Insurance claims handling:
​In the aftermath of an accident, liaison work with H&M underwriters and P&I clubs becomes of paramount importance to mitigate loss and to gain maximal reimbursements from the insurers. We have several years of experience in handling all kinds of H&M, P&I, crew illness and injury, GA and PA claims. Thus we are well positioned to provide guidance to ship owners and managers and add value to the claims handling team of the owners. We have worked with most prominent insurers and claims adjusters in this field. We assist with third party claims, to achieve amicable settlement or if necessary assist with mediation, arbitration or court cases.