© 2013 | Vijay Soman


Phone: + 852 93088915

9th June 2016 : Workshop for International SOS on Commercial Maritime Industry -

  • understanding the industries challenges in handling medical cases and the niche areas in which International SOS can add value to its clients by providing effective solutions and advice as a comprehensive medical services provider

25th May 2016 : Maritime Best Practice seminar for Skuld P& I club members:

  •  Perspectives on Best Management Practices -  Focused on ISM "due diligence" and its legal and insurance implications as well as the urgent need to educate both shore personnel and ship's compliment to inculcate the "spirit of ISM" 


  • Practical aspects of Casualty response and Crisis management - Best practices and nuances of casualty response for efficient handling of casualties​

Current:  Engaged for Arbitration cases at Hong Kong, Singapore &  Shanghai .as Expert Witness for ISM "due diligence", and ship management matters 

23rd Nov 2016 and 22nd May 2017 : Presentation to Deloitte Hoing Kong and Cosco Oritental shipping Hong Kong on "the Commercial Maritime industry

11th April 2016.: Presentation on "Resilience building" to AMCL, Hong Kong  

​7th Sept 2017: Speaker - Handling of media  after Casualties - at Skuld Casualty ​Seminar & Workshop, China club, Hong Kong

1st to 2nd Nov 2017: Speaker " Mental health and Well being for Mariitime Industry" - Remote Site Health & Corporate Wellness Conference of International SOS at Singapore 

June to December 2016: Presentations to major law firms and P&I clubs in Hong Kong and Singapore: Ince & Co, Incisive Law, HFW, Hill Dickinson, Stephensen Harwood, Reed Smith, and for GARD P&I club for CPD points:

  • Introduction to Ship management